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  As a kind of high above the emotion, I moved to Van Gogh's love of life, the art of fanaticism. This alone, superficially finished reading after feeling, in order to commemorate this artificially born soul.

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  having played a couple important roles in the student organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and organizational capability.


自我评价英文版汇集 篇6

  The United States of America is a country with a president system. The president of USA is not only head of the state and the government, but also administrative departments of the supreme leader and army commander, usually called Mr.President. There are 44 presidents in the history of the United States. Abraham Lincoln is the 16th one who maintained the unity of the nation and abolished the slavery that influenced the nation much. He is the first Republican president and also ranked among the greatest president ranked first. USA once held a poll in 20xx--"the greatest Americans", Lincoln was elected America figure of second. He is one of the most popular presidents.

  On February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born in a poor family in Hardin County in Kentucky prefecture. His parents are descendants of British immigrants, taking farming and hunting.When he was young, he helped the family move firewood, water, do farm work and so on.In 1816, Lincoln's family moved to Indiana Southwest. At his age of 9, his mother died who was just 36 years old. Second years, his father married a kindness and enlightened woman named Sarah Bush, and the family lived happily. Because of poverty, his education degree wasn't high. In order to earn money, he was a ferry worker on the Ohio River and a plantation worker when he was young.

  Lincoln is a man who loves reading. At his young age, he read all the writings of Shakespeare and "American history", also read lots of books about history and literature.He became a learned and wisdom man through self-study. He ran for state senator that meant he embarked on a political road since 1832. Finally he was elected president in 1860. In the 28 years, he has undergone a lot of difficulties that normal people cannot imagine. Eight elections, eight voted out, twice failed in business, and even once mental collapse, many times, he could give up, but he didn't. Just because of not giving up, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of America.The teacher of the revolution Marx highly evaluated Lincoln, "he is a man who will not be scared by difficulties, not to confuse for success, he refuse to be cowed or submit to his great goal, but never act rashly and blindly, he steadily forward, and never back;...... In a word, he is a rare character that achieved the great realm and still maintained his excellent quality". Owing to his view of abolishing slavery, Lincoln's election, threatened the benefits of the Southern plantation owners. They certainly don't want a man who advocates the abolition of slavery as their president. Then the Civil War broke out in 1861.

  At the beginning of the war, Lincoln tried to seek the policy that compromised with the Southern plantation owners. With the military losing ground, Lincoln realized that to abolish slavery truly, there must have sacrifice, peaceful means can not solve any problems. If they want to win the war, they must transfer the enthusiasm of farmers, abolish the slavery, and liberate black slaves .In 1862 May, Lincoln signed the Homestead Act. This measure eliminated the possibility of southern slave owners to seize the western land fundamentally, but also met the urgent needs of the peasants, greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of farmers to participate in. On January 1, 1863,

  "Emancipation Proclamation" was promulgated formally, announced the abolition of slavery in the rebel states today, the liberated slaves can call in the union army. Announced the slaves free, fundamentally undermined the rebels' fighting force, meanwhile, the Yankees had abundant manpower.In 1864, Lincoln put forward slogan that "the people, by the people". It enhanced troop's morale. In April, 1865, the Yankees achieved victory in the Civil War, meaning the war that lasted four years ended. The Civil War is called the second revolution after the War of Independence. Lincoln became a symbol of black liberation.

  Because Lincoln can adapt to the demand of the masses, destroyed slavery in a revolutionary way, and solved the people's demand for land in the Civil War of the most critical juncture, thus he promoted the development of America's capitalism, and made important contributions to safeguard national unity and liberate black slaves. Due to the excellent achievements of Abraham Lincoln, he was elected as America's president again on November 8, 1864. However, Lincoln haven't put his post-war policies into effect, tragedy happened. Because slave owners hatred Lincoln extremely. On April 14, 1865 night at ten fifteen, fifth days after the surrender of the Southern army. Lincoln was attacked by an assassin in Ford theatre in Washington. Lincoln's unfortunate death caused a huge shock at home and abroad. American people conveyed profound condolences to him, about 7,000,000 people stood mourning funeral procession on both sides of the road, and there are 1,500,000 people looked at Lincoln's face with reverence.

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