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  Free translation: 一朝情义淡, 样样不顺眼.

  (18) You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

  Free translation: 骗人一夕一事易,欺众一生一世难.

  (19) Out of the FULLNESS of the heart the mouth speaks.

  Free translation: 盈于心则溢于言.

  4.3.2 Extensive Knowledge and Excellent Literature Training

  The examples above are all free translation. Translators translated them not only smoothly and fluently, but also acceptable and accordingly with Chinese culture. In addition, translators should know extensive idioms about both source language and target language. Different countries have different idioms. So in translation, some idioms are unable to translate literally. Translators should change the original form into another form which is easy to be accepted by target language readers. Thereby, convey the purpose of the original wanted to express.

  For example:

  (20) When in Rome, do as the ROMs do.

  Free translation: 入乡随俗.

  (21) A cat on hot bricks.

  Free translation: 热锅上的蚂蚁.

  (22) To expect one's son to become an outstanding personage.

  Free translation: 望子成龙.

  (23) The dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone.

  Free translation: 以你说别人坏话的人,也会说你的坏话.

  Free translation does not starchy the form of the original, if translators want to use free translation proficiently. You’d better grasp extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language.


  If using literal translation and free translation proper, you will succeed in translating a composition. The most important in translation is the way in which how to dear with the complex problems of equivalence between the source and target articles. But complete identity of message is important, even use literal translation on the designative level of informative function one can only aim at the closet approximation and in general it is possible to obtain a functionally satisfactory correspond ace.

  Literal translation is a good choice to translate lively and closely, as the original. It retains the idea, style and rhetoric of the original. Translators should grasp it. Literal translation is not word-for-word translation. Sometimes, translators should do some change in translation so that they can make the translation more acceptable. Word-for-word translation is unqualified. Not all sentences can translate literally. Some sentences, if used literal translation would not be according with the culture of target language, especially for some idioms. Translators should have extensive knowledge, comprehend the original thoroughly, especially in translating some professional materials.

  Free translation is a skill. It need not pay more attention to the form of the original and the details. But free translation should accord with target language culture and customs. Then target language readers can accept translation easily. Though free translation gives leeway’s to translators, they should not add personal emotion to the original works. Because if translators added their own emotion to the translation, target language readers and source language readers would have different feeling. So the translation is unqualified. Free translation also needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language. Translators should be providing with literature training, especially knowing some idioms in both target language and source language is very important.

  Literal translation and free translation are two different way in translation. An excellent translation includes these two kinds of translation. An excellent translator could use these two kinds of way properly and proficiently. No translators can use literal translation and free translation proficiently at beginning. All successful translators have practiced lots. When they were translating, they accumulated experience and knowledge. After they have translated some composition, they accumulate extensive knowledge. So translators need practice. And both content and style are inseparably linked in any text, and success in translation means dealing creatively with both of these aspects of communication.

  要求:① 一级标题项为三号Times New Roman,加粗

  二级、三级、四级标题项为四号Times New Roman,加粗。

  ② 内容为小四号Times New Roman。


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财务管理 毕业论文怎么写,小编为你提供一篇关于试论无现金报账在高校中的应用的毕业论文作为您的参考,希望您喜欢! 摘要:高校财务实行无现金报账,是财务电算化的发展趋势,对创新财务管理手段、提高财务工作效率具有十分重要的意义。主要阐述了无现金产


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摘要:我国加入WTO带来的财务管理环境的改变,造成我国财务管理不论是在具体经营业务中的投资、筹资、收益分配以及流动资产管理上,还是对财务管理职能、理论以及目标认识上都存在不少问题。这就需要企业面对这些问题,采取必要的措施 关键词:财务管理;问